Accepted to do a fellowship at NIH (CNP and epilepsy) starting in 2025!

Winter 2020

A lot has happened since the last post… School…..Pandemic… etc. It took a lot to get this page up without issues. I’m having some problems with posting though.

A short update about my bonsai, I lost an elm tree and the cherry tree in 2018. Cameras and temperature tracking also not needed because plant(s) are inside at the moment.


Everything got wet! I lost a few sensors and an Ethernet to power adapter. I will keep to a minimum the system for a while. I may have lost one of the cameras too. So, no cameras for a while or control through the web!

We have moved!

I moved to Michigan about a month ago and just got a chance to bring back this website. I have removed some things for the moment (only one camera). The camera controls are currently disabled.