Winter 2017

Added a small greenhouse with a fan and some heating pads controlled with the motor board. Seems to work ok, but temperature still drops too much! Currently still trying different configurations of heating pads. The temperature is checked every 2 minutes and turns on the fan and heating pads.


Maple bonsai tree
Cherry bonsai tree

Well all the plants survived including the cherry tree. No blooms this year it seems. Well, I got a visitor and it brought its own lunch!

Winter fast approaches

I decided to move some of the plants inside. I have a LED setup with blue/red lights that is an upgrade from a fluorescent lamp from past years. I am using a regular timer with about 14 hours of light exposure for the plants inside. It should help the plants a lot more. Now camera 2 points to the cherry tree instead of the serissa.

Now I still have some Jalapeño peppers and hope to get more!

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